Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
Insight Firearms Training LLC

Insight Firearms Training LLC
Can I take the CHCL class prior to turning 21?
+Yes! Your certificate of training will be valid for 6 months from the issue date, just wait until you turn 21 to apply for your license.
Is my concealed handgun carry license issued in another state honored in Arkansas?
+Yes, but you are bound by the Arkansas concealed handgun carry law and rules.
How do I know what states honor my Arkansas concealed handgun carry license?
+You will need to contact the state to which you intend to travel to make that determination.
If I have never had a CHCL before, but I want an Enhanced CHCL, do I have to take both classes?
+Yes, you must take the basic class (5 hours) and the enhanced training class (approximately 8 hours) (approximately 15 hours total training). After successful completion of both courses the instructor will provide the applicant with a completed basic Concealed Handgun Carry License training page and an Enhanced Concealed Handgun Carry License training page (two separate training pages). This document from the Arkansas State Police Website provides the full details
How long will it take to process my application?
+The law allows up to four months (120 days) for ASP to process the application.
Things that may cause that time limit to be extended:
~ If fingerprints are not classifiable and must be resubmitted
~ Having incomplete criminal history information
~ Not submitting all necessary information, such as proof of citizenship for persons born outside the United States
~ Training page expired, incomplete or not signed
~ Not promptly responding to requests for further information from ASP
Which States does Arkansas honor licenses from?
+Effective August 16, 2013, the State of Arkansas acknowledges all concealed handgun carry licenses lawfully issued by another state.
It is the individual responsibility of each Arkansas concealed carry licensees who may travel outside the State of Arkansas to determine whether their license is lawfully acknowledged within other out of state jurisdictions.
Effective August 16, 2013, the State of Arkansas acknowledges all concealed handgun carry licenses lawfully issued by another state.
It is the individual responsibility of each Arkansas concealed carry licensees who may travel outside the State of Arkansas to determine whether their license is lawfully acknowledged within other out of state jurisdictions.
Do you offer ladies only training?
+Yes! All of our "Ladies Only" Classes are taught by a female instructor.
What is the best method for concealing my handgun?
+This will ultimately come down to personal preference. However there are a few KEY things that must be considered when selecting a method of concealment.
~ The trigger MUST be protected.
~ Consider your wardrobe and how you will conceal? You must adequately conceal your handgun.
~ Is it physically comfortable to wear? If it's not, you will probably leave your handgun at home.Check out this article from USA Carry for and in depth analysis of this topic
As a lady, should I carry a revolver or semi-automatic?
+This depends on how you choose to conceal your firearm.
If you choose to carry in a purse or bag, a double action only (DAO) revolver is a great option for a couple of reasons.
~ A DAO Revolver is often smaller and takes up less space
~ There are minimal moving parts to get snagged on the lining of the bag should shooting from inside the bag become necessary.
Is my .22 a good selection for self defense?
+There are many thoughts and opinions on this topic, and while any firearm is better than no firearm when it comes to being able to equalize force, the firearm that you are able to confidently and accurately use is the best one for the job.
However the .22LR leaves no margin for error when it comes to shot placement, and they tend to be less reliable due to the fact that they are a rimfire cartridge and have the tendency to jam more frequently than centerfire cartridges like the .380 Auto and 9mm Luger. The NRA Family website has a great article on this topic -
How can I train with ammo prices being so high?
+We offer a variety of training options that you can do right at home. We are a NextLevel affiliate and can help you get a SIRT gun for a realistic training experience. If you want to use your own firearm, we have a several dry fire training options available.
How do I become a member of the Rogers Gun Club?
+There is currently a waiting list, but if you would like to know when the next meeting is going to be held, just visit & add your name to the list. We will make sure to let you know!
How do I transfer my Concealed Carry Permit to Arkansas?
+Please follow the directions below:
(Note, that the 90 day residency requirement is waived for transfer applications)
1. A properly completed Concealed Handgun License Application form indicating Transfer Application.
We are happy to provide that to you or you can download it here2. A check or money order (DO NOT SEND CASH), for $73.25 payable to the ARKANSAS STATE POLICE. ($35.00 transfer fee, $25.00 state background check fee and $13.25 federal background check fee).
3. Two (2) classifiable sets of fingerprints on cards properly completed. These cards are blue lined “applicant” cards with ORI AR920570Z and are only available from one of our 12 ASP Troop Headquarters, ASP main headquarters in Little Rock, or from a certified firearms safety course training instructor. Please contact us to obtain them
4. The original valid Concealed Handgun Carry License from another state (take a picture of the original license on a cell phone and use it as proof of Concealed Handgun Carry Licensure, if stopped by law enforcement. The electronic version is required so that concealed handgun carry may continue through the transfer application process).
The original license will be retained in our file.
Send the application packet (regular mail, not certified) to:
Arkansas State Police
ATTN: CHCL Section
1 State Police Plaza Drive
Little Rock, AR 72209You can check the status of your application on-line by clicking here
Visit the Arkansas State Police Website for full instructions -
Do I need Self Defense Liability Insurance?
-This is a personal decision, but one that should not be taken lightly. Unless you have the resources to fight a legal and civil battle should you ever be forced to defend yourself, it is strongly recommended that you have self defense liability insurance. We are a Proud USCCA Partner and believe that they provide not only the best coverage, but the best education opportunities. Click here to learn more or to enroll today
Use code INSIGHTFT for 2 free additional months when signing up for a yearly plan.
How old do I need to be to apply for my concealed handgun carry License in Arkansas?
+In Arkansas, you must be at least 21 to apply for your CHCL.
Can I bring my kid to a class with me?
+We encourage your kids of appropriate age to attend your training class with you, We believe that if you are equipped to help them learn, it is best for both of you. There is no additional charge for your youngster to attend, however you are responsible for them. Licensing classes can be long, so as long as they are not disruptive to the other participants, they are welcome to sit with you if needed.
What states can Insight Firearms Training teach classes in?
+We teach in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, & Missouri.
However, at this time, we can only help you get licensed to carry a concealed handgun in Arkansas. -
Can I get my CHCL or Own a gun if I have a Medical Marijuana Card?
+Under federal law, it is still illegal to own or purchase firearms in combination with possession of marijuana. Therefore, registered Arkansas medical marijuana patients are not able to own or purchase guns and this may also prevent you from being approved for a CHCL. When purchasing a gun, you are required to complete a Firearms Transaction Record, or Form 4473. Question 11e on the form will ask if you are an unlawful user or addicted to marijuana or other controlled substances This same question is asked on the Arkansas CHCL application. (question 23) In addition, questions 24 &2 5 ask if you currently possess a medical marijuana registry identification card, including a qualified patient card? or have possessed either in the past year? There is also a warning stating "The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside." Violations of this law can result in prison time and up to $250,000 in fines