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Renewing your Arkansas CHCL is easy
Your Arkansas Concealed Handgun Carry license is valid for 5 years from the date it was issued
Arkansas does NOT require you to retake the full class to renew your CHCL license
What is required, is that we spend some time with you going over major changes to CHCL laws and rules
and we watch you demonstrate safety and proficiency with the handgun of your choice.
The whole process takes about 45 minutes and we offer convenient options to fit your busy schedule.
We offer convenient renewal times to choose from.
Or request an individual appointment, we will do our best to accommodate
Renewal Eligibility Requirements
- Must be within 90 days of Expiration
- Must be no more than 6 months expired
- Complete your Renewal Application (See the options below)*
*While it is recommended, you are not required to
complete the application prior to your appointment
Individual Appoiontments are held at either of the following:
- Lonesome Oak Guns & Range (Centerton)
- Rogers Gun Club*
* (Must be a member in Good Standing)
- Indoor Range is available in the event of Inclement Weather